Last week, I wrote about the fall of a black icon, Sean Puff Diddy, owner of a record label entitled Bad Boy and a distributor of beverages for DiAgeo International based in London.

In the African American world in which I live, it is firmly believed that Brother Diddy fell from grace because he had forgotten his place, as a Negro.

In their world, and there are many examples, as long as brother or sister is furthering the interests of the white man, he is held as an example to his fellow men.

When he begins to advance the interests of his brothers, trumped up charges are brought to bear and is ruined forever, financially and in reputation.

Mayor, Brother Eric Adams believes this theory. Let us now follow his argument.

Last week, Brother Adams, was yanked by the Reverend Devory Dukes and his 92- year-old wife, Hazel Dukes, members of the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured Peoples, and some Black Lives Matter Lives activists.

 It was the 92 year-old Sister Hazel who captured the audience.

Hazel and her husband had encouraged the young Eric to join the police and make something of himself. She asked for prayer for the brother as he faced indictments from the federal government.

Adams had, as he grew mightier, first as Borough president and three years ago, as mayor of the largest city in the world, forgotten his roots.

He had aligned himself with the Jewish lobby, which supported his rise to high office.

But black activists cried out aloud and shouted him down. New York has been receiving 10 000 illegal immigrants a month for the last two years. Adams renovated Roosevelt Hotel, took some of the City Park and some school buildings to house the new immigrants.

In addition, it was Adams who sponsored the USD350 per week for an immigrant family. The activists argued that there were thousands of black Americans in New York City who were homeless, and nothing had been done for them.

Adams, however, in his defence, a year ago, went against government policy.

Here are his words.

“In all my life, I have never faced a problem about which there was no way out, about which there was no solution. With 10 000 immigrants into our city every month, we are faced with an overrun on our budget of US$12 billion. Every department will be affected. The federal government has not given assistance.”

Guess, who heard this speech and made a comment?

Republican leader Donald Trump said at the time; “Eric is going to be indicted.

Indictments are heavy and costly and I wish him luck.”

Indeed. Brother Eric tried his best to be on the good side of the Deep State, the shadowy figures who really run the US.

In trying to appease the Jewish lobby, he recruited a woman spy as a professor at Columbia  University. This is the great university where luminaries like physicist

Albert Einstein, educator John Dewey and our own Methodist thinker Dietrich Bonhoeffer held some conversations on grace.

It is also the home of Professor Jeffrey Sachs, a voice scorned by the genocidals in Gaza.

Columbia has a great tradition of protest against the evil doers of this world, beginning with the Vietnam War, apartheid and now the genocide in Gaza.

The anti-genocide student protesters were peaceful until Adams brought in the New York Police to rough them up, and in many cases beat them up and throw them in jail houses for daring to speak against genocide.

In all this, Adams was the rising star in his sponsors’ firmament.

However, like the schoolboy in Shakespeare, he climbed the ladder, then pushed it away. He shouted to the student protestors: “Go tell it to October 7!” This was a reference to the Gaza resistance movement attack on Israeli occupation forces.

The immigration issue is at the heart of the Democratic Party. In three years, the US government says that maybe 10.6 million illegals have been admitted. These illegals will form an unwavering base for the Democratic Party.

The landscape for a perpetual Democratic rule is possible.

By challenging the cost of illegal immigrants in New York City, Adams touched a holy cow.

Total obedience

Brother Adams forgot the lesson of Dr Faust and the devil. The devil, also known as Lucifer, Prince of the Dark World, favoured Dr Faust with eternal youthfulness on condition he gave his heat to him.

Brother Adams is accused of contravening three federal statutes. The main accusation is that Adams took 10 trips to Turkey and Ghana and received bribes in the amount of USD100 000. Alternatively, Adams is an unregistered foreign agent. That sum is by no means excessive.

Americans advancing Israeli interests need not register.

The issue here is that Adams was cavorting with leader, Recep Erdogan, a sworn enemy of Israel.

The issue is not whether Adams is guilty or not. I can imagine a scenario where New York City refuses to pay for his legal fees. Even if he wins his case, he is ruined.

Surely, a visitor in Adam’s place would offend his hosts in Ankara if he refused their hospitality.

In comparison, Kamala Harris vice presidential pick, Governor Tim Walz, has been to China 30 times in ten years. He admits to “maybe 15 times.” Surely, there is something there.

He is not being prosecuted.

The feds raided Adams’ assistant’s office, one week after he had occupied his office and demanded papers going back to 2001. That definitely goes beyond the statute of limitations, which is five years.

Adams is on fire from both ends. Black activists have challenged him on the provisions he has offered to illegal immigrants while black homeless is on the rise in New York. His Jewish backers have disowned him.


  • Ken Mufuka is a Zimbabwean patriot. He writes from the US. He can be reached at