During the 2024, Youth Empowerment and Transformation Trust (YETT) Winter School Leadership Course at Africa University and  in Harare, I had the privilege of learning about the vital importance of integrity.

This core value, which should be the bedrock of our personal and professional lives, emerged as a central theme throughout the programme.

The Winter School was conducted under the Strengthening Institutions and Youth Agency in Zimbabwe’s Accountability Narratives (#SIYA) project. 

#SIYA is a partnership between YETT, Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (Zimcodd),  the Southern African People's Solidarity Network (SAPSN) and Transparency International Zimbabwe (TIZ).

As young leaders, we were challenged to reflect deeply on the role of integrity in day-to-day life, in business, in research, and in leadership.

It became abundantly clear that integrity is not just a lofty ideal, it’s a practical necessity for driving sustainable development in our country and curbing the scourge of corruption.

One of the key lessons we took away was the power of integrity to propel us beyond the limitations of our qualifications.

Integrity, when practiced with steadfastness, has the ability to open doors and create opportunities that our academic achievements alone cannot.

Investors and customers alike are drawn to individuals and organisations that exude unwavering integrity, fostering an environment of trust that is essential for business success and economic growth.

 As young leaders, we have a responsibility to be the change we wish to see in our society by upholding the principle of integrity and refusing to participate in or enable corrupt practices, we have to become the whistle-blowers and catalysts for a new era of transparency and accountability.

The 2024 YETT Winter School reinforced the notion that we, the youth, are the "now" the generation poised to shape the future of Zimbabwe.

 It is our duty to arise and work together to create an anti- corruption country, where integrity is the foundation upon which all our endeavors are built.

As young leaders, let us embrace this value and let it guide our every action from the boardroom to the community. We have to embody the #IGetItClean campaign, so as to inspire others to join us in our pursuit of a just, transparent, and prosperous Zimbabwe.

The road ahead may not be easy, but with integrity as our guiding light, we can overcome any challenge and leave an indelible mark on the world.

Let us pledge to be the responsible, accountable, and transparent leaders that our country so desperately needs.

 Together, we can create a future where integrity reigns supreme, and corruption becomes a relic of the past. -  Wadzanai Gracious Nyakabau (2024 YETT Winter School)