My Dear People

The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (Zacc) has seemingly found its fangs as it has begun an investigation into Scarfmore’s ‘son’ Wicknell Chivayo along with his business partners Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofu for alleged  money laundering.

Recently appointed head of the commission Michael Reza has vowed that there is a very strong case against this infamous trio which has been at loggerheads over a dodgy US$40 million Zimbabwe Electoral Commission tender.

 It is, however, curious that Zacc has only found its voice and is starting to bare its fangs after the leaked audio in which Chivayo more or less declared that the scarfed one was ensconced in his back pocket.

Could this be the real reason for the sudden interest by the usually toothless Zacc to investigate this garrulous ex-convict?  

Before Chivayo’s utterances on the leaked audio, in which he boasted about being the son of Ngwena, the burly tenderprenuer would throw around money like confetti at a wedding buying cars for even women who gyrate their backsides to music that praises Ngwena without a squeak from Zacc to query the source of this funding.

I cannot shake off the feeling that the sudden interest in Chivayo by Zacc, which is usually engrossed in chasing after schoolteachers for conducting extra lessons, is more of taking orders from above than a renewed vigor to fight graft.

I was not surprised to see The Horrid running a story that Zacc had turned its focus to an alleged scam by Mpofu and Chimombe involving the supply of goats to the so-called presidential goat scheme.

I have it on good authority that the son reported the case to Zacc after the two started bothering him about their share of the spoils from the Zec loot.

The criminals around the president are going to use the goats story to kill the Zec scandal and rescue the son from the mess.

If you were expecting the son to be prosecuted for his alleged crimes then you must be living in Cloud Cuckoo Land.


Senators have complained about the failure by government ministers to attend parliamentary sessions to answer the queries they have.

Some of the ministers, we were told, have still not bothered to pitch up to answer to queries put to them in September last year.

How can these lawmakers expect ministers to take seriously a parliament stuffed by Zanu PF stooges such as the self-imposed Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) secretary general and unelected buffoon Sengezo Tshabangu and his minions?

For goodness sake, how do ministers give the time of day to parliamentarians, who according to speaker of Parliament Jacob Mudenda, struggle to put together speeches for debate and are more likely to be using the parly seats to snore away than engage in meaningful debate?

 More importantly, how can ministers be bothered to prioritise responding to pesky questions from parliamentarians when their boss Scarfmore is busy amending the constitution and putting in place statutory instruments that severely curtail his regime’s accountability to Parliament?

I, your good doctor, am all for accountability by the executive to Parliament.

However, when a Parliament such as ours is bastardised through the imposition of opposition impostors and state poodles with laws imposed through statutory instruments and not through debate in the august house, one wonders what purpose this Chinese built Parliament is really serving any useful purpose.


Ever since the removal of the telescopically foresighted Gushungo through guns and tanks, repression has, as that ex-convict Chivayo would probably say, gone up 10  or even 20 times.

Since the dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion took over even holding a one-man demonstration can send you behind bars.

 The way police recently descended in full force on 70 CCC party members who had gathered at Jameson Timba’s house to commemorate the Day of the African Child demonstrated how the country has gone to the dogs.

Not only did the police use tear gas, but they forced all who attended the meeting to jump into a swimming pool at the residence. Munopenga!!!

What kind of policing is this in which individuals are forced to jump into a swimming pool with no regards to whether one can swim or not? 

Under Scarfmore’s regime, professionalism in the police force has been thrown out through the window.

The police force has become a national embarrassment.

Who can forget how the same police force acted like Zanu PF commissars in the run up to last year’s fraudulent harmonized elections giving ridiculous excuses to stop the opposition from holding campaign rallies with even some overzealous police officers acting as timekeepers to speeches made by then CCC party leader Nero?

That even workers were shockingly barred from holding marches to mark Workers’ Day commemorations by the police is indicative of the fear this regime has of its own people due to its track record of abysmal leadership failure.

I had a good chuckle when I learnt that some war veterans are toying with the idea to form an opposition party after their needs have been thoroughly ignored by the so-called second repubric.

 I cannot help but wonder just how many supporters they will get given that their cause is more to address their selfish interests such as getting their snouts in the  feeding trough.

My advice to these clearly desperate war veterans is to abort this idea of forming a political party as they will be embarrassed at the polls.Stop it!!!

They only need to ask the likes of Douglas Mwonzora who knows a thing or two about performing dismally during elections.

They will be well advised to focus on their congress in which they will get to choose leaders of their association for the first time in 11 years.


Stop It!

Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)