My Dear People

The desperation of the dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion to force the public acceptance of the Zimbabwe Gold(ZiG) is the stuff tragicomedies are made of.

The arrest of forex traders including Neville Mutsvangwa, son of the Zanu PF motormouth, Chris, is emblematic of this embarrassing level of desperation.

To those who think the arrest of Neville means that there are no more sacred cows in the crackdown on forex trading on the parallel market will be sadly mistaken.

This arrest should be seen in the context of how the Mutsvangwas have seemingly fallen out of favour with the scarfed one as evidenced by the recent sacking of Chris as War Veterans minister and not as a damascene moment by the Scarfmore regime to arrest without fear or favour.

However, I digress. 

This strategically bankrupt regime fails to grasp the simple fact that they cannot use legislation and arrests to enforce acceptance of a currency that cannot even purchase a single litre of fuel nor be used to secure a passport. 


Such arrests and legislation failed to save the Zimbabwe dollar and it will be no different with this ziggy currency.

What is needed is fiscal discipline by the Lacoste regime, something entirely beyond this coup cabal.

This is made worse by the confusion and chaos that reigns supreme at the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe.

After legislation had been put in place for the expiry of the Zimbabwe dollar at the end of April, RBZ governor, John the Second then stunned the country’s citizens when he revealed that the Zimdollar remains legal tender beyond that period despite a statutory instrument that indicates otherwise.

Such ineptitude from 80 Samora Machel Avenue has clearly shown that the shocking levels of incompetence we witnessed under John the First are to be continued or even worsened under John the Second.

At this rate, it would not be surprising if the Ziggy is phased out followed by the introduction of yet another currency by the time Scarfmore’s second and, fingers crossed, last term ends in 2028. It  cannot come soon enough!

The revelation that the country has lost a whopping US$9 billion in five years to corruption with only a measly US$100 million recovered from that eye watering amount, that could have addressed the country’s needs for two years, is shocking.

This statistic is a damning indictment of the Scarfmore regime, which set up not one but two anti- graft institutions.

It is shameful that there are such staggering levels of corruption when there is even an anti- graft unit, which operates in Ngwena’s office.

 It really does make you question whether these corruption- busting institutions are just there for decoration when corruption on such a grand scale happens right under their nose.

I guess we should not be surprised that sleaze of this magnitude prevails in the country given how the stinking levels of corruption, which are exposed annually by the Auditor General’s office are ignored.

Perhaps it is expecting too much for corruption to be effectively tackled by the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission when the institution has failed to account for the funds allocated to it by treasury.

In a country where the head of state can shockingly abandon the need for accountability by telling  citizens that some of the country’s gold is stashed in a secret place abroad and where the head of the national miners’ federation is a convicted gold smuggler, any effort for corruption to be tackled remains a lost cause.

The reports of consternation within Zanu PF over the farcical grouping known as Political Actors Dialogue (Polad), which is the gathering of political nonentities, is indeed an interesting development. 

Those within the party against the continued existence of this scandalous grouping, which accommodates the likes of Trust and Lovemore, who got less votes nationally than most Members of Parliament got from their constituencies, argue that it is a monumental waste of money.

As weird as it is to hear anyone within Zanu PF talking about wasting taxpayers’ money, I agree with them entirely.

This is the reason Polad has not yet resumed, we are told.

The delay must be causing serious anxiety among these losers who quickly conceded losing the presidential election that was even panned by the regional body Sadc.

How they must be missing getting their grubby hands on trinkets such as vehicles handed out by Ngwena as reward for making the octogenarian leader feel good as they pretend to bring anything meaningful to the table.

Who in the party, they must be wondering angrily, is stalling a guaranteed period of them running out of superlatives as they tour Ngwena’s fish pond at his farm, and receiving allowances for attending meetings and making recommendations which will be totally ignored by the Lacoste cabal?

 As far as I am concerned long may they bicker in the party over this totally useless grouping and delay the shameless abuse of the national fiscus.


Stop It!

Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)