ZIMBWABWE multi-media company — Jamukoko —is set to open its offices in Pretoria, South Africa, a move seen as a major boost to local film industry.

Founder and director of the company Simon Jamukoko told Standard Style that the new offices will be opened in April.

“I am excited about this development and I feel good with the team that l am working with, which is very strong and have the passion to succeed in the film industry,” he said.

“The crew and the cast are ready to launch our media company officially.

“Jamukoko Media is a media house based in Pretoria and our main focus is on movies, series and film production.”

Jamukoko said the company focuses on grooming and exposing young talent.

“Jamukoko Media identifies, nurtures and exposes young talent by giving them a chance to be in front of the camera and the screen so that they may grow in the filming industry,” he said.

“Recently we have been running a series titled Rudo Ndimambo, which had come to an end giving space for another series movie titled Mainini, which is coming with season 2 due to public demand.”

“We do films that focus on helping and educating people in their day-to-day living as it always portrays issues concerning people’s way of life.

He said his dream was to uplift the film industry in Zimbabwe.

“Our dream as Jamukoko Media is to uplift the film industry in Zimbabwe, which we think it's very possible with the help of our brother Steven Mutsango and Dumats Film who are always there to help us,” Jamukoko said.

“We are releasing movies or series each and every week as our dream is to upgrade our production that we may be approved by national or regional television channels.”

Jamukoko Media started producing films in 2021 and in 2022 there were on the spotlight after releasing the drama titled Mainini.

The production of Mainini saw Jamukoko Media accumulating 65 000 views on video-sharing platform, YouTube.

Jamukoko said his company was growing and they were giving platforms to prospective actors.