Upcoming golfer Vincent Chidambvazina is aiming for one more title on the amateur circuit this year after claiming his second of the season, the Hillside Masters at Hillside Golf Club on Sunday.

The 17-year-old golfer from Chimanimani is a survivor of Cyclone Idai which ravaged his home village in March 2019 when he was only 12 years old.

Chidambazina’s won the Matebeleland Amateur Golf Tournament at Harry Allen Golf Club in Bulawayo back in April to make his first win on the local amateur scene.

And after the Hillside Masters triumph the Chidamabazina wants to add another win on his resume.

“This year I can say my target is three trophies and so far I have got two which is good. Hopefully I am going to get another one,” he told AMH Golf Zone.

“I feel good and blessed to win the Hillside Masters. This is my second win in the amateur events so it feels great to win it and it shows that I am improving as a golfer.

“I think the secret for me this year has been to believe in myself and also be patient with myself whenever I play a bad shot. I always tried to make sure that the next shot was good. I think that’s what has helped to get these results in the tournament,” he added.

A total of 27 golfers took part in the two-day event with 15 competing for the championship while 12 took part in the 36-hole competition.

Chidambazina was one stroke ahead of Mashonaland West Amatuer Golf Tournament Elton Zulu from Bindura and local favourite Braydon Amm, who grossed 227 to tie for second place.

Zulu carded 79 71 and 77 in three rounds while Amm managed 73 80 and 74.

The women’s competition was won by Hillside Golf Club’s Jeane Crewe who was playing off a 25 handicap and netted 159 in 36 holes.

Crewe was delighted with her win.

“I feel great and I would like to thank Hillside Golf Club for allowing us to play on this course which has been maintained very well by our very own Mr. Kevin Woodward. I would also like to thank my teammates for the good game that we played in the last two days. When I came here the target was to play well and I did,” she said.