Former referee Felix Tangawarima, who currently serves as the Confederation of African Football (Caf) senior referees' instructor, is rumoured to be planning to throw his name into the hat for the much anticipated Zimbabwe Football Association (Zifa) presidential elections.

Tangawarima's name has become the latest to be linked with the top position.

Familiar names such as Prophet Walter Magaya, ex-Premier Soccer League (PSL) chairman Twine Phiri and sportscaster Charles Mabika are already making rounds in football corridors as potential candidates.

Furthermore, PSL outfit Simba Bhora's Director Brighton 'Panjap' Ushendibaba and the Team Zimbabwe UK chief executive officer Marshall Gore as well as Caps United legend Alois Bunjira are some of the speculated prospects.

"Felix (Tangawarima) is interested in the Zifa presidency post although everything is being kept under carpet," a privy source told Standardsport

Attempts to get a comment from Tangawarima himself were fruitless.

He did not pick calls and was yet to answer questions sent to him via WhatsApp by the time of publishing.

At the moment, these remain rumours as these individuals serve for Ushendibaba only, are yet to officially or publicly declare their candidacy.

"Yes it's true (I'm interested in the top post)," Ushendibaba confirmed to The Standard a fortnight ago.

The speculated aspiring candidates have preferred to keep their cards close to their chests, a move that could be seen as a calculated strategy.

They might have to wait a while longer before officially throwing hats into the ring as the Zifa normalisation committee, currently overseeing operations, is still working on regularising the constitution for the electoral process.