The Mutupo/Isibongo golf tournament has incorporated Zodiac signs as a way of ensuring that the event would be all inclusive going forward.

A successful second edition of the event comes to a close next week Royal Harare Golf Club and Police Golf Club hosting the competition on November 24 and 25 respectively.

Currently the Moyo totem leads the standings after nine rounds with 417 points followed by Mukanya on 377 and Shumba are in third place with 363 points.

Dziva and Mbizi complete the top five with 345 and 337 points respectively.

“Golfers from all walks of life and different backgrounds can play in the popular Mutupo/Isibongo Golf Tournaments with the incorporation of Zodiac Signs. Research showed that the twelve Zodiac signs had their matching animal identities which can be matched as follows;

Airies – Gwai – Lamb

Taurus – Moyo – The Bull

Gemini – Mhara – Springbok

Cancer – Dziva - Crab

Leo – Shumba – Lion

Virgo – Nzou – Elephant

Libra – Chihwa – Grey Wolf

Scorpio – Dziva – Scorpio

Sagittarius – Mbizi – The Horse

Capricon – Gwai – Goat

Pisces – Dziva – Fish

Aquarius – Hungwe – Owl,” tournament director Ephraim Mashingaidze said in a statement.

The novel golf event celebrates culture and identity through sport began.

During a press conference at the beginning  of the month Mashingaidze revealed that the incorporation of the Zodiac signs has already been put to test this year.

“We have got a very unique scenario that we should incorporate into the Mutupo/Isibongo event which is inclusivity. When we did a tournament here in Harare we introduced the inclusivity party where we say everybody must play regardless of colour and creed

“We discovered that Zodiac signs have an animal representation which goes with our totems so those who want to play and don’t have our African totems can use their Zodiac signs,” he said.

This year the organisers for the first time managed to host the tournament in nine provinces which have golf courses and the only province which missed out is Matabeleland South.

The tournament began in Harare in February before moving to Bindura, Bulawayo,Kadoma, Hwange,Gweru, Marondera, Masvingo and Mutare last weekend.

According to Mashingaidze the tournament managed to discover 22 different Zimbabwean totems which have participated in the event so far.

Another interesting development with regards to the event is that it will also be held in the UK next year.

On July 20 the tournament will take place at Kings Golf Course before moving to Earls Golf Course in Warwick. The two golf courses are close to each other..