BULAWAYO Chiefs new coach Johanisi Nhumwa has promised more stellar performances to help his club rise on the log standings despite losing to Highlanders in the first round of the Chibuku Super Cup.

The former Manica Diamonds' gaffer replaced Joseph Sibindi, who left the club after a few games, having replaced Lizwe Sweswe, now at Gweru-based Sheasham.

Things have not been looking good at Chiefs in the Castle Lager Premier Soccer League after they lost their last three games.

However, they gave Highlanders a run for their money on Sunday despite the defeat.

The Bulawayo giants laboured to beat the Ninjas via a penalty shootout after the match ended in a 2-2 draw.

Nhumwa said the response he had received from his charges in the past week since he joined them was amazing.

“We need to concentrate on the league now. From the position we are in now, we need to improve and go up. With the typical game you saw in the field of play, more is coming,” he said.

“I cannot say much especially on the last three games. In the Highlanders game, if you saw the performance, it was so amazing. The boys played very well and we take it from there and move forward.”

After leaving Manica Diamonds, Nhumwa joined Zifa Southern Region Division One side Jordan Sinott.

The turnover of coaches at Chiefs from last year has been intriguing, having started last season with Portuguese national Nilton Terroso and ending up with Thulani Sibanda.

Along the way they fired assistant coaches Mark Mathe and Farai Tawachera.

They started the current season with Sweswe, who resigned, and they brought in Sibindi, who has now been replaced by Nhumwa.

Chiefs lost their last three league games to Herentals, Manica Diamonds and Ngezi Platinum Stars.