Can We Study the Life of Saul Together? Saul was given another heart, showing that the Saul who became king was different from the one who went out looking for donkeys. Certain things needed to happen for Saul to become the man who could sit on the throne. As he rose to power, he neglected key principles that had initially qualified him to have his heart changed.

The first key was his submission to a prophet. He followed instructions, which is why the Bible later says, "Obedience is better than sacrifice" (1 Samuel 15:22, NIV). What transformed Saul into another man was his ability to follow prophetic instructions when the word was released to him. Many people seek solutions to their problems, but impatience causes them to miscarry what God wants to do. How many prophetic words have you received, and were you able to follow the instructions?

What did God do for Saul to make him another man? First, Saul was told that the donkeys had been found. This gave him rest, as he no longer pursued the same thing he came into the city for. Often, we pursue so many things in life that we become blinded to God's will and call. Many people are chasing "donkeys," so when they attend prophetic services, they are more concerned about their temporary issues and miss out on what God wants to release, which is far bigger.

What are you pursuing? The first thing that happened to Saul was that he was told, "The donkeys have been found." The next thing Saul received was bread. Many people cannot focus on the Kingdom of God because they are constantly seeking provision. That’s why Jesus taught us to pray, "Give us this day our daily bread" (Matthew 6:11, NIV). If you don’t have provision, your heart is divided, making it hard to discover and walk in God's purpose for your life. God releases grace for finances, not because we deserve it, but because He understands that a divided heart cannot fully focus on His Kingdom.

The pattern here is important. Once Saul stopped pursuing donkeys, he opened up the channel for God’s provision. After provision came, God led Saul into a place of worship, where he encountered prophets. When Saul met these prophets coming down from high places of worship, he, too, prophesied. This prophetic encounter didn’t just give him words; it changed him into another man.

Many people carry prophetic potential, but this alone doesn’t make them prophets. The reason you encounter the prophetic is for God to empower you to speak over your life and destiny. Saul's transformation into another man qualified him for the throne because his heart was changed through worship.

God often allows us to go through the steps of stopping our frantic pursuits, receiving provision, encountering the prophetic, and finally having our hearts transformed. It’s only after this heart transformation that we are ready to sit on the throne God has prepared for us. The "throne" symbolizes authority in your area of calling, whether in media, government, or finances. The key is to let go of your worries, trust in God’s provision, and allow your heart to be changed in worship.

Many people are called to sit on a throne, but few understand that this throne requires the right heart posture. It’s in worship that your heart is qualified for the place of dominion God has ordained for you. Saul’s reign teaches us that dominion is released in worship, but it requires patience and submission. May God awaken us to the steps we must take to stand in the places of dominion He has called us to, in Jesus’ name.