The Bible states that the things which are visible were made from things which are unseen, showing us that faith is a catalyst to cause those hidden things to manifest. There is a realm of words where one's words hold immense value and carry significant weight. In this realm, the power of words cannot be overstated. The Bible reminds us in Amos 3:7 that "Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets." This profound truth underscores the significance of prophetic revelation in our lives and destinies. Every miracle and every blessing that God desires to manifest requires a vessel—someone who is willing to receive a word and speak it into existence; someone who is willing to enter these realms of faith and transport the resources of heaven into the natural realm.

The divine design is such that many things in our lives remain unmanifested due to a lack of prophetic revelation or faith. When we fail to seek the Lord or align ourselves with His purpose, we inadvertently hinder the birth of our destinies. Instead of engaging in spiritual warfare or seeking our purpose, we often find ourselves caught up in the drama. Our lives can reflect so much beauty, and at times, they reflect the level of revelation and faith we possess.

We should earnestly seek to be the ones to whom God reveals His plans. It’s essential to declare, “Lord, whatever you’re doing in this season, please don’t do it without me.” This heartfelt plea opens the door for God to share His will, allowing us to partner with Him for the manifestation of His plans in our lives. There are things that will not manifest in your life—not because God does not desire them, but because you have not stepped into the realm of faith to access God's will for your life. When the Bible says that the Lord will not do anything unless He reveals it, God is waiting for you to enter the realm of faith and cause what He has predestined for you to manifest through your faith and access to revelation.

Do you know that in the realm of faith, words are key? Revelation is information, meaning that in the spirit realm, the currency we use is words. So, when the Bible says the Lord will not do anything unless He first reveals it, it means that God will not act unless He gives a person specific words. Those words are the key.

The scripture warns us of the weight our words carry. Matthew 12:36 states, “But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken.” This verse serves as a reminder that our words hold creative power. Every day, we must be intentional about the words we choose to speak.

Imagine if every word we uttered was treated as currency in the spirit realm. Just as we would use money wisely and intentionally, we should apply the same principle to our speech. Words can either uplift or destroy; therefore, we must consciously choose to speak life, hope, and purpose.

In a teaching titled Sell Swords, I shared that many have allowed the enemy to influence their words, effectively becoming agents of negativity in their own lives. If words are currency in the spiritual realm, God will use words to lift you, but you must have access to those words through revelation. The enemy may plant words as tares in your heart, leading you to speak words that break and destroy your own destiny. If the enemy wants to destroy a person, he gives him negative words; if the Lord wants to build a person, He provides uplifting words. The key is to whom you are yielding your words.

Are you yielding to God’s words, which will cause you to prosper? Remember, as Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." If you are living a life that contradicts what God has planned for you, it means you have given yourself over to words that the enemy has inspired in your heart.

It is time for us to stand in a posture of faith and speak forth into our lives the favour, blessing, and beauty that God wants to manifest. Refuse to be a "sell sword" who speaks on behalf of the enemy. Remember, the spiritual realm is governed by words, and many have entered into that place, scattering and destroying the blessings God wants you to receive and walk in.

It’s time to use our words wisely.