ANEMIA can be a very serious condition which can come with a lot of complications if it is not corrected.

On average, the World Health Organisation estimates that close to 800 000 people succumb to both direct and indirect effects of anemia yearly in the world. It is sad to note that a majority of these patients could have been saved if anemia had been corrected in time.

Epidemiological studies have shown that close to two billion people globally will be troubled by anemia, a condition whereby there are few healthy red blood cells or haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is a protein that carries oxygen to the tissues of our bodies at the same time giving the red pigments to our blood.

Blood levels may go down due to a number of factors which include failure of the body to manufacture healthy red cells due to a shortage of vital vitamins and ions in the blood. Included here are folic acid, iron, vitamin B12 and vitamin C.

Anemia can arise from sudden loss of blood from such conditions as haemorrhage as a result of injuries, road traffic accidents, bleeding disorders, while some patients can haemolyse their red cells from such conditions as malaria, cancer, liver diseases et cetera.

When one’s haemoglobin level goes below six, it is imperative to consider blood transfusion because that is a very dangerous situation which comes with multiple complications which can include severe incapacitating, fatigue, heart failure or death. This calls for the availability of blood and blood products for transfusion as failure to access such golden products can be fatal.

In Zimbabwe, blood is collected, processed and administered by the National Blood Transfusion Services, NBTS, a registered private entity. It is the only organisation in Zimbabwe which is involved in blood management and it has stood the test of time although demand for blood has always surpassed supply.

The unfortunate scenario has resulted in extreme shortages of blood, putting the lives of many people in jeopardy. The most unfortunate thing today is the unbearable cost of blood in Zimbabwe.

It was not so long ago when the cost of blood was US$140 a pint. Alas, the same blood was going for around US$330 per pint as I penned this article. It is a pity that a farmer would need to sell a whole beast in order to purchase one pint of blood. How many people will afford blood for transfusion?

How many lives are going to be lost because of failure to purchase blood?

We understand NBTS incurs huge costs in processing blood, but I do not understand why the cost sky-rocketed by US$200 within a few months. In Zambia, a pint of blood costs between US$40-80 and that is likely due to the government of Zambia subsidising the blood.

Many lives can be saved through the availability of cheap blood and we can have a better country as health and development are symbiotic.

As medical practitioners, we need to foster health promotion and taking cognisance of the key strategies of health promotion, advocacy remains a viable option. Our government should immediately chip in, especially on the issue of subsidising blood and blood products.

The Finance ministry should consider the plight of patients as the spiralling costs of special and life-saving medical commodities continue to threaten Zimbabweans. The 2% tax on transactions can, for instance, be of great assistance on this issue.

Questions still linger why only one company has the sole licence to collect and process blood 43 years after independence. Can government not license some more companies so that the burden does not fall on NBTS alone?

If we are to achieve Vision 2030, it is high time we implemented necessary health measures in a bid to reduce both morbidity and mortality.

Let us all work towards the achievement of Vision 2030. Let the nation have adequate health services. The price of blood should be affordable for the benefit of everyone in the country. Tomorrow it might be you who will require blood after an accident, so let us co-operate.