Zanu PF spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa’s son, Neville, was remanded to July 18 after the state said it was still conducting investigations into his case.

Mutsvangwa faces criminal charges of illegal forex currency dealings and money laundering.

He is jointly charged with Simbarashe Tichingana and Elis Majachani.

They appeared before Harare provincial magistrate Dennis Mangosi on Friday.

Mutsvangwa faces a separate charge of breaching the Telecommunications Act after he was allegedly found in possession of a Starlink router without having a licence.

The government has since licenced Starlink.

The accused persons are represented by their lawyer Jaqueline Sande.

Mutsvangwa, who is the son of Women's Affairs minister Monica, is out on US$1 000 bail.

Rufaro Chonzi prosecuted.

He is the first high profile politically exposed person to be charged with illegal foreign currency dealings after the government launched a crackdown against money changers.