As hunger continues to hit Zimbabwe, couples are finding it difficult to put food on the table as proved by a Mutoko family that had a misunderstanding over cooking oil.

The husband Desmond Kuwatengera was dragged to Mutoko magistrates courts on Friday facing charges of domestic violence.

He was slapped with 10 months in jail, but three were suspended on condition of good behaviour.

The remaining seven months were commuted to 210 hours of community service. Prosecutor Nathan Majuru said on March 25, Kuwatengera  asked his wife Grace Charedzera (22) when they last bought cooking oil.

His wife said she did not remember.

Hours later, Kuwatengera  accused his wife of misusing cooking oil. A misunderstanding arose and Kuwatengera locked the door before slapping his wife and beating her up

Their neighbour Tabeth John came to her rescue.