A marriage of 15 years has collapsed after the husband started dating the wife’s niece.

Tinevimbo Guri told magistrate Mukwesha that she was no longer interested in Oscar Mangava  because he embarrassed her.

Guri said although Mangava was promiscuous, she never imagined that he could go after her niece.

She asked the court to stop Mangava from harassing her and her newly found lover.

“He had a tendency of sending me away and demanding that I return whenever he wished, but I have now moved on,” she said.

“I want him to leave me and my new husband in peace.

“He should stop going to his workplace and threatening him.”

Mangava denied the allegations saying he wanted his wife back.

“She is my wife so she should protect herself from that sick man she is currently living with,” he said.

Magistrate Johanna Mukwesha Magistrate granted Guri her application for a protection order.