RESIDENTS in Bulawayo’s ward 23 have approached their councillor over poor service delivery and exorbitant water bills which do not match what they are getting from council.Ward 23 councillor Ntombizodwa Khumalo told Southern Eye in an interview yesterday that the residents expressed concern over the Bulawayo City Council rates which are out of reach for the majority in the area.

Khumalo held a meeting with the residents recently to provide a platform for the ratepayers to discuss issues that can bring development in the ward.

“These gatherings provide a platform to engage with stakeholders on matters of concern. One of them being the billing process, particularly the high water rates,” Khumalo said.“The residents are concerned over the high water bills which they said are not justifiable and do not match the service they are getting from council.”

Bulawayo United Residents Association representative Thembelani Dube said the meeting demonstrated a commitment to effective governance and community involvement.

“The meeting served as a platform for residents to voice their concerns and for authorities to provide explanations and solutions. 

“The open dialogue and exchange of information demonstrated a commitment to addressing community issues and fostering transparency,” Dube said.