A 63-YEAR-OLD Plumtree woman has been convicted for defrauding the pension office of over US$2 000.

Tshiyiwe Ndlovu pleaded guilty to the charge before magistrate Joshua Nembaware.

He was slapped with an 18-month jail sentence.

Nembaware conditionally suspended the sentence and ordered the senior citizen to restitute the pension office the amount she prejudiced it by December 31.

The court heard that on January 29, a war veteran Kennedy Bhulu passed away and Ndlovu, who is the wife to the deceased’s young brother Gilbert Dingilizwe Moyo, misrepresented to the pension office that she was the surviving spouse of the late veteran.

The pension office deposited money in her account.

However, it later emerged that Ndlovu had lied.

A police report was filed leading to her arrest.

Selestine Madziwa prosecuted.