ZIMBABWE Diamond and Allied Minerals Workers Union (ZDAMWU) is set to hold its second congress from August 29 to 31 in Bulawayo this year.

ZDAMWU general-secretary Justice Chinhema revealed the development in a statement yesterday saying the congress will be held under the theme Promoting Inclusive Building Union Power towards Unlocking Job Security and Transformation.

He said the main business of the congress would be to receive reports from the general-secretary.

“The congress will also receive reports from the president, financial reports and special reports from structures namely women, youth and regions, while reviewing and directing the work of the national executive committee,” he said.

Chinhema said the congress would formulate, adopt and ratify the policies of the union, including amendment of the constitution, ratify and adopt the five-year action and strategic plan 2024-2029 and plan future tasks of the union.

He said they would also ratify fees, subscriptions, levies and penalty fees, appoint internal auditors and legal advisers and confirm the election of the national women and youth executive committees.

Chinhema added that branches were expected to submit congress discussion documents that should be ready by July 31, 2024.

The discussion document, he said, should focus on some of the analysis, paying attention to the current challenges being faced by workers at mine level and emerging demands by workers that address bread and butter issues.