RESIDENTS of Hwange’s Ingagula suburb have expressed concerns about the high levels of pollution in the area due to coal mining, which they say has become a threat to their health.

Hwange Local Board Ward 3 councillor Bryn Chikumbo said coal ashes from the nearby Hwange Power Station and surrounding coke oven plants as well as dust raised by trucks carrying coal to the station.

“You will observe that most of the vegetation around has changed colour because of the dust, and it no longer has life due to dust," Chikumbo said.

He said efforts had been made to engage the mining companies over air pollution.

“We have done some (engagements) with Jian, South Mining, and Turbo Mining and these ones are playing their part, but it's not sufficient as the volume of traffic is very high," he said.

"We feel there is a need to place speed humps so as to limit the speed of the trucks because when they move at high speeds, the dust tends to accumulate more.”

According to health experts, exposure to air pollution such as coal ash and soil dust may lead to pneumoconiosis.