BULAWAYO City Council (BCC) is under fire for allegedly dragging its feet to make repairs at Thokozani Flats, where a storm blew off the roof in October last year.

Residents at the flats in Mzilikazi high-density suburb accused BCC of taking its sweet time to repair the damaged roofs

In an interview with Southern Eye, residents chairperson Simbarashe Zvembiri expressed frustration over the lack of tangible action by the city council.

“We have been pleading with the city council since the incident, stressing the urgency of the matter, but sadly, our pleas seem to fall on deaf ears,” he told Southern Eye.

“Last week, I wrote a letter to the mayor, David Coltart, and I’m hoping to get a positive response from him since the councillors and others have failed to listen to our grievances.

“The Thokozani Flats ... residents continue to bear the brunt of the inaction by the responsible authorities.”

The disheartened residents have been forced to use bin liners to cover the rooftops while waiting for action from the BCC.

However, city council officials maintain that they will attend to the situation at Thokozani flats.

The local councillor and deputy mayor Edwin Ndlovu referred questions to BCC spokesperson Bongiwe Ngwenya, who asked for the questions in writing, but had not responded on the matter by late yesterday evening.