TWO Bulawayo men went on a housebreaking spree in Bulawayo, giving residents sleepless nights.

A tip-off, however, led to the arrest of the duo that was on the police wanted list.

Bulawayo acting police spokesperson Assistant Inspector Nomalanga Msebele said Bekithemba Khumalo (48) and Bukhosi Nkomo (50) faced several counts of housebreaking.

The two were arrested on Friday after terrorising residents between April and December last year.

“The duo took advantage of the absence of the complainants from their homes,” Msebele said.

“The duo would forcefully gain entry into the secured premises using unknown objects and steal various household goods.”

She said the duo stole goods like electrical gadgets, plasma television sets, gas tanks, clothing items, blankets and groceries, among others.

Msebele added: “On December 26, the Zimbabwe Republic Police followed up on a tip-off from members of the public leading to the two’s arrest and during interrogation they both admitted to the charges.

“We urge the general public not to buy electrical gadgets and other household goods from suspicious people.”