POLICE in Bulawayo have expressed concern over rising cases of violent crime, especially murder in recent weeks.

Deputy provincial police  spokesperson Inspector Nomalanga Msebele said they recorded an increase in murder cases between November and December 10.

“Violent crimes in the society are on the increase involving the use of dangerous weapons such as machetes,” Msebele said. “Alcohol, domestic violence and abuse of drugs and other intoxicating substances have been seen as a contributor towards these crimes.”

“We have also noticed that the highest number of victims of these murder cases is from people who would have been attacked on their way home from various drinking places such as shebeens,” she said.

“We urge bar owners to operate within the law and stipulated times. We will not negotiate if one is found operating outside their licensed hours. Shebeens are illegal.”

Emphasising that carrying dangerous weapons was outlawed Msebele added: “We also urge members of the public to desist from using dark places and sanitary lanes during the night so as to avoid being easy targets of robbery which may lead to murder. We warn the community to desist from carrying dangerous weapons in public places.”