SOME Gwanda residents have petitioned Matabeleland South Provincial Affairs minister Abednico Ncube to take action against a Harare-based land developer for failing to service their housing stands.

The residents from Judds Park bought the stands from Forit Contracting (Pvt) Limited in 2015.

The company has failed to service the stands.

In a petition dated June 24, addressed to Ncube, the residents accused Forit Contracting and Zonnal of shortchanging them.

“Minister Sir, as the beneficiaries of Judds Park residential stands in which I believe we are about 250 under the developer by the name Zonnal as represented by Khumbuza Mahlathini and Forit Contracting company sold land to Gwanda residents and promised to service land wherein the residents could start working on their land,” the petition read.

 “Our request is based on the idea that if we are to be allowed to build, council can, therefore, take over the servicing. Minister Sir, it is our great expectation that as a provincial godfather this issue is a walk in the park, hence the call to our rescue.”

Ncube is yet to respond to the petition. He was not answering his mobile phone when Southern Eye tried to contact him for comment.

The petition was copied to Gwanda mayor Njabulo Siziba, town secretary, Zonnal and Forit Contracting.

Last year, the home seekers petitioned Siziba over the matter.

Siziba said Forit was engaged by council in 2015 before he became mayor.

“It appears Forit company started selling stands even before servicing them and squandered the money, up to now the stands are not serviced,” Siziba said then.

Early this month, the residents took the matter to the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission.

Residents said they paid between US$3 000-US$11 000 for stands in low, medium and high-density areas.

No comment could be obtained from the land developer.