FACING mounting internal fissures in the ruling Zanu PF, President Emmerson Mnangagwa yesterday warned his top lieutenants in the politburo to shun factionalism and concentrate on contributing to the growth of Zimbabwe’s economy.

Mnangagwa told the politburo of his party that it was time to put personal interests aside and begin to work for Zanu PF as a collective.

“We are a constitution-based party with a rich liberation war history, sound ideology as well as clear rules and procedures,” he said.

“The adherence to the rules of the party is a mark of true revolutionaries. Yielding to our individual or clique preferences is counter-revolutionary and there is no room for pseudo-revolutionaries in Zanu PF.”

Over the past few months, disgruntled war veterans, fronted by former legislator and Zanu PF central committee member Blessed Geza, called on Mnangagwa to reshuffle his Cabinet and politburo and warned of “gnashing of teeth”.

Geza, who is allegedly being backed by a powerful clique in the party, government and the army, wants the so-called young turks in the party out of Mnangawa’s government and replaced by the old guard, including war veterans.

Mnangagwa yesterday rebuked the war veterans and pointed to the party’s rule book on how to settle internal disputes.

“Regrettably, the noises which are emanating from some corners of the war veterans league are of concern,” the Zanu PF leader said.

“The secretaries of the war veterans’ league are once again directed to make concerted efforts to close the fissures within the league, which is a strategic unit within our party and country.”

Mnangagwa, who this afternoon will meet Zanu PF central committee members, said the party must instead focus attention on the economy.

“We must remain vigilant and on guard against various forms of infiltration by the enemy, you must never betray the revolution,” he said.

The war veterans are expected to hold an elective congress later this year.