BULAWAYO mayor David Coltart yesterday snubbed the Independence Day celebrations in protest accusing the government of disrespecting and undermining his office.

Coltart was conspicuous by his absence at the VIP stand during the Independence Day celebrations held at the White City Stadium in Bulawayo yesterday.

In a statement posted on social media platform X, Coltart said the office of mayor was not invited to attend the celebrations.

“I’m not attending Independence Day celebrations in the City of Bulawayo today for the reasons set out in the following message sent to councillors, while a general notice has been sent out to councillors the office of mayor has not been invited by government to attend. This is a basic courtesy which should be extended to the office, not me personally as such,” Coltart said.

“I have also been advised that in recent years mayors were snubbed at Independence Day celebrations to such an extent that they no longer attended. While I hope this treatment of mayors has ended I am not prepared to allow it to happen again.”

He called on the government to honour the mayor’s office on public events.

“A few weeks ago I was invited to a function at a business expo where the office of mayor was snubbed by the government at the event. I registered my protest and left. I am not prepared to allow the office of mayor to be denigrated again,” he said.

“I have made sure that at events I have control over appropriate government officials are invited personally and I expect that the office of mayor will be respected in similar fashion going forward.”