A 27-YEAR-OLD man will today know his fate after pleading guilty to a rape charge when he was hauled before a Harare magistrate for sexually abusing an 11-year-old girl.

Harare magistrate Feresi Chakanyuka yesterday remanded Josiah Musarurwa in custody to today after he admitted to committing the crime.

Prosecutor Lancelot Mutsokoti told the court that the incident happened this year in Retreat, Waterfalls, Harare.

Musarurwa admitted to have had sexual intercourse with the minor who at law is deemed incapable of consenting.

The court heard that the two are not related, but reside in the same neighbourhood.

Mutsokoti told the court that the minor sold cakes in the neighbourhood.

He said on the day the offence was committed, Musarurwa invited the minor into his shop on the pretence that he wanted to buy a cake.

The minor advised him that there were no cakes, but soft drinks in stock and Musarurwa offered to buy the drinks.

The minor brought the drinks to Musarurwa’s shop before it started raining while she was in the shop.

Musarurwa proposed love to the minor, who turned down his request, but he locked the tuckshop before raping her once.

The minor did not report the abuse, but the matter came to light after she sent pornographic material to Musarurwa’s mobile phone.

The minor’s grandmother discovered the messages and informed the girl’s mother, leading to Musarurwa’s arrest.