CITIZENS Coalition for Change (CCC) ward 23 councillor Noumusa Moyo has accused Insiza North legislator Farai Taruvinga (Zanu PF) of stifling development in the Matebeleland south area.

Moyo accused Taruvinga of refusing to co-operate and directing her to the CCC candidate he defeated during the August 2023 harmonised elections.

“We had an electricity transformer stolen recently in Shangani and I tried to talk to the Zinwa officials so that they engage the Zesa so that the transformer can be replaced to enable people to get water,” Moyo said.

“Zinwa and Zesa officials said they had no funds to attend to the problem and I phoned the MP hoping that he will assist since he has access to the Constituency Development Fund and Devolution Funds. But he told me that I must first wear the Zanu PF coat so that he can help me.”

She said efforts to convince Taruvinga to set aside political difference were snubbed with the MP reportedly referring her to CCC candidate David Masuku who lost the Insiza North seat in last year’s polls.

“He told me that if I have a problem in the ward I must report it to David Masuku, the CCC candidate he defeated in the election last year. How can a person who was defeated have access to the ministries and government departments?

“So whom will I tell the problems that I encounter here as a CCC councillor if Taruvinga says he cannot work with me, but works with Zanu PF only? This means that my ward will never develop for the next five years while I am being sabotaged,” she said.

Taruvinga was not reachable yesterday for comment.

However, in a mobilephone conversation which Moyo recorded when she called Taruvinga to highlight her challenges, the alleged voice of Taruvinga is head saying: “Is it not that you are CCC, you must call Masuku. Here you are calling a Zanu PF office. You must wear the regalia.”

She had told Taruvinga that the borehole he drilled at Shangani growth point had no power and submissive pump for people to get water.