THE remains of a Zimbabwean man who died in South Africa two months ago are still in a mortuary as authorities are failing to locate his relatives.

Cosmos Ncube, who was born in 1963, died in his room in Tshepisong, Soweto in Johannesburg.

According to his neighbour, Senzile Ncube, the deceased lived alone.

“He did not have any family that we knew and so I became his sister because of our shared surname,” Ncube said.

“He got very sick and was admitted at Leratong Hospital for three weeks and then was taken care of by brother Darlington Chuma. He passed away on August 13.”

“I kept asking for his family and relatives, but he refused to talk about them,” Chuma said.

Foreign Affairs ministry spokesperson Livit Mugejo could not comment on the matter saying he was in a meeting.