WOMEN pressure groups have moaned the low female representation in President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s newly-appointed Cabinet.

After announcing his Cabinet, Mnangagwa told women pressure groups that he could not be pressured by lobbyists to appoint more female ministers.

In a statement, the Women's Academy for Leadership and Political Excellence (Walpe) said the low number of female ministers was a disregard of the constitutional provisions.

“The number of women in Cabinet is still too few considering that there are only six women against 17 men. This is a flagrant disregard of constitutional provisions found in sections 17, 56 and 80 that speak to gender equality.

“The Presidency must not take lightly the issue of gender equality and women’s rights as they are human rights issues as well," read the Walpe statement.

The six women are Tatenda Mavetera, Monica Mutsvangwa, Kirsty Coventry, Oppah Muchinguri, Barbara Rwodzi and Stembiso Nyoni.

According to Women’s Coalition of Zimbabwe, men constituted 76% and women 24% of ministers in the previous Cabinet, whose term ended with the August 23 and 24 elections.