ActionAid Zimbabwe has relaunched a social justice manifesto outlining key demands and challenges that are facing young Zimbabwean citizens as the country awaits results of the Wednesday election.

The manifesto, which was first launched in 2018, calls for a more just and equitable society for young people.

In a statement, ActionAid Zimbabwe country director Joy Mabenge said young people were languishing in poverty and sidelined from governance processes.

“The manifesto amplifies the voices of a cross-section of the Zimbabwean citizenry particularly those living in poverty and exclusion and those at the receiving end of social injustices, societal inequalities, and gender disparities,” bringing them to the attention of those seeking public office through the ballot," Mabenge said.

He said there was need for youths to be included in governance processes.

“Among the many challenges facing our youths, the young people of Zimbabwe are demanding access to affordable, accessible, available, adaptable, and safe education, as well as meaningful participation in the development agenda of the country,” he said.

“There is a need for youth to be represented in political, social, economic and other spheres of life at the same time ensuring youth access to means of production, opportunities for decent employment and other avenues for economic empowerment. 

“The manifesto recognises the need to protect this demographic dividend from harmful cultural practices, exploitation and all forms of abuse.”

According to a study, youths account for over 80% of the Zimbabwean population, yet they are the most marginalised and vulnerable group of the population.

A 2022 first quarter labour force survey report by the Zimbabwe National Statistic Agency concluded that 2,5 million youth between the ages of 15 and 34 were unemployed.