ZANU PF youth leader Tinoda Machakaire, has read the riot act to ruling party supporters perpetrating violence and hate speech against the opposition ahead of the August 23 polls.  

Addressing party supporters in Wedza South on Thursday where he is seeking re-election, Machakaire said: “I did not come here to criticise anyone nor have l come to pit you against each other. I come here to stand by the truth.

"We don't want to hear that Zanu PF people are causing violence in Wedza. I don't condone violence. I don't want to have blood in my hands. Councillors should not be greedy. When we receive food aid, let’s share it equally.”

Machakaire also warned party supporters against defacing opposition campaign posters.

“Do not tear posters of other political candidates,” he said. 

Early this week, an audio recording emerged where Environment and Tourism deputy minister Barbra Rwodzi is heard verbally assaulting a police officer who had opened a docket against a Zanu PF member accused of defacing Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) campaign posters.

National police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed  that the matter was being investigated after low-ranking police officers petitioned their commanders complaining over the incident.

Machakaire reiterated that he was against hate speech. 

“If you walk with me l don't expect you to scold others. I don’t condone such behaviour. People should join Zanu PF willingly because of the good work we are doing and the message we are pushing,” he said.