THE Bulawayo Progressive Residents Association (BPRA) has urged authorities to intervene to stop juveniles selling alcohol during Premier League football matches in Bulawayo.
BPRA chairperson Ambrose Sibindi said children as young as Grade 6 pupils were selling alcohol to football fans at Barbourfields Stadium.
“What we are seeing at these soccer matches, particularly at Barbourfields Stadiumduring matches, is that young children are selling alcohol to fans and some of the alcohol is illicit like Njengu,” Sibindi said. “This is a painful situation because this is tantamount to abuse of children and this must be stopped.”
He questioned why parents allowed their children to sell illicit drugs.
“In all honesty, they are destroying the future of these youngsters because they might end up abusing these illicit drugs as well,” he said.
Sibindi called on authorities and residents to come together and deal with this problem in the city.
Bulawayo police spokesperson Inspector Abednico Ncube said the police were recovering huge amounts of alcohol smuggled into the stadiums.
“I urge every member of the public who comes across any juvenile selling alcohol to immediately take action and report the matter to the nearest police officer so that we deal with the problem,” Ncube said.