ZIMBABWE Palestine Solidarity Council (ZPSC) is appealing to the international community to work in solidarity with the people of Palestine to retain their independence.

Speaking at the special conference on Friday last week by the embassy of the State of Palestine in co-operation with the council, ZPSC chairman Kwanisai Mafa said that Palestinian people have suffered from human rights violations for a long time.

“Africa benefited a lot from international solidarity during our fight against colonialism and ordinary students, citizens and workers around the world sacrificed themselves for the fight against apartheid and colonialism. Why is it that when it is our turn to support other oppressed people, there is a tendency of shying away? This is not morally justifiable and is unacceptable,” Mafa said.

“This declarative event provides an opportunity to remind the international community that the question of Palestine remains unresolved despite efforts made over the years. For many years the Palestinian people and Palestinian refugees have experienced increasing levels of dispossession, displacement, violations in security and violations of human rights.”

Mafa said the dangerous escalation in military raids in West Bank, including East Jerusalem, has led to the killing and injuring of civilians.

Former Foreign Affairs minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi said in any revolutionary struggle, solidarity was an essential ingredient.