EMOTIONS ran high during the burial of former Hwedza Police Station officer-in-charge, Inspector Maxwell Hove, in Mberengwa district, Midlands province, over the weekend with the deceased’s mother Loice claiming her son could have escaped cop killer Jaison Muvevi’s shots had he managed to jump out of the police car which entrapped him.
She implored the Zimbabwe Republic Police to improve the working conditions of its staff, saying the police vehicle door malfunctioned, leaving her son exposed to former detective Muvevi, who shot him at close range.
Another policeman, Detective Constable Tendai Mugova, who was in the same car, managed to jump to safety, but after being shot once.
Two other victims, Crispen Mubvana Kanerusine (62), better known as Madzibaba Silage, and Munashe Mujanhi (20) were shot on the same day but in separate incidents in Hwedza and have since been buried in the same district.
Addressing mourners, Hove’s mother said if the police force was well-equipped, the reaction team could have disarmed Muvevi before he went on the rampage, shooting people indiscriminately.
“I will never bring my son back, but I want to tell the Deputy Commissioner that I am in pain and bereaved. My child was in a police vehicle and was shot while trying to open it. Maybe if he had opened the door, he might be alive today,” she said as emotions ran high at the grave side.
“I also heard that another police officer was also injured when his service rifle jammed. I urge the police to improve the conditions of service for their officers. Equip them, train them because they will be dealing with dangerous criminals,” Hove’s grieving mother added.
Speaking at the same event, Deputy Commissioner Lorraine Chipato described the late Hove as a dedicated police officer who had served the country with distinction.
“Maxwell was a dedicated officer who rose through the ranks to be an officer-in-charge. He was part of the police force and we are all saddened by his demise,” Chipato said.
Earlier in the week, Police Commissioner-General Godwin Matanga had warned that his charges would not hesitate to shoot to kill armed criminals.