THE ruling Zanu PF party has warned newly-resettled farmers in Gweru district that they risk losing their farms if they associate with the opposition.

Zanu PF central committee member Wellington Magura made the stern warning at the party’s district offices yesterday saying the ruling party was worried that the in the past elections opposition parties appeared to have gained ground in the resettlement areas.

“Farmers should desist from being sellouts and avoid taking bribes from the opposition,"Magura said.

“Some are even selling land, land is not for sale as it belongs to the State, President (Emmerson Mnangagwa), Zanu PF and the government.”

He said farmers in the district should identify farmers who were hobnobbing with the opposition.

“If you are a civil servant and you have a farm know that it is the Zanu PF government that gave you that land and which still gives you your salary,” he said.

Speaking at the same meeting, Zanu PF Gweru district coordinating committee chairman Brown Ndlovu said farmers and their workers should register to vote for the ruling party.

“Let us all go in our numbers to register to vote for Zanu PF and campaign for President Emmerson Mnangagwa,” he said.

Ndlovu said the best way the farmers could thank Mnangagwa was to utilise the land so as to improve food security in the country.

Over the years the opposition has accused Zanu PF of dangling natural resources such as land to buy votes.

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