POLICE in Manicaland province have been accused of taking long to investigate circumstances leading to the death of a 14-year-old girl from Buhera, who died a few days after giving birth, amid reports of interference from a former Zanu PF councillor.

Delight Masomeke of Bvumbura village in Chivhu from the Johanne Marange Apostolic church  gave birth at home on December 29, 2022 but died three days later.

The matter was reported to the police.

Police stopped Delight’s burial which had been hurriedly organised by her family on Wednesday at her rural home in Chivhu.

According to leaked WhatsApp chats and audio clips in possession of NewsDay, a former Zanu PF councillor in Buhera, who is also a senior leader of the Johane Marange sect, is reportedly interfering with the investigations.

In one of the audios, a senior police officer bemoaned what he described as “politicisation” of the matter.

“The challenge now is that the matter is now being politicised because some people have become unnecessarily nosy in the matter,” the officer said.

“It becomes difficult to deal with the matter in haste because of such external obstacles.  We are receiving phone calls from various people outside the force giving orders over that matter.  Mr (name supplied) has become too concerned over this matter, it becomes tricky and affects efficiency on dealing with it.”

National police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said he was yet to receive a full update on the matter.

“I am yet to get a full report on the matter. I will then be able to comment on every other issue once I receive the report on what is on the ground,” Nyathi said when contacted for comment.

Family relative and lawyer Norris Jones Matarirano said: “The matter is being handled by the police. I will be able to comment in due course.”

It is a criminal offence in Zimbabwe to marry a girl under the age of 18.

She is one of the many girl children of the Johanne Marange apostolic sect who have lost lives from labour complications.

Members of the Johanne Marange Apostolic Church believe in healing through prayer and reject conventional medicine, which has contributed to a growing rate of maternal mortality

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