BULAWAYO residents have complained over the worn-out carpets at the city’s Large City Hall saying it is a result of negligence.

Recently, social media was awash with pictures of worn out carpets at the Large City Hall.

Concerned residents demanded answers from council.

Bulawayo mayor Solomon Mguni responded by saying the authorities could not be expected to see all cracks in buildings.

 “Councillors operate in a similar manner to your companies, organisations or boards.  The mayor is like a board chairperson.  Expecting board members to see every crack on the floor of a company building when they should be making policies is asking for too much,” Mguni said.

He said there was a team responsible for maintaining council properties.

“It is the duty of the managers as headed by the chief executive officer or general manager; as the case may be, to notice leaks on a factory roof or paint peeling off the walls and advise the operatives to attend,” Mguni said.

“The board of directors is not fulltime employed by a company. They have paid jobs elsewhere. However, the board must always take responsibility where the operatives and managers fail it points to simple policy and strategic incompetence.”

Mguni said residents owed council $31,4 billion as of November 30, 2022, which was hindering service delivery.

He encouraged residents to pay their bills on time.

 “Consumers continue to default in the payment for services leading to challenges in sourcing service delivery inputs; thereby affecting the level of service delivery in the city,” he said.

“The total debt as at November 30, 2022 stood at $31,4 billion. Consumers are encouraged to pay bills on time and make payment arrangements whenever they are unable to pay.”

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