CHIRUMANZU aspiring chief Julius Chimbi Chigegwe who has for years been in a succession wrangle with acting chief Fidelis Mudzengi yesterday saw charges of impersonation that were being levelled against him dropped at Mvuma Magistrates Court.

Mudzengi had taken Chigegwe to court, accusing him of impersonating him as chief, but Mvuma magistrate Constance Mutandwa dismissed the charges before trial saying the evidence was inadmissible.

The acting chief’s lawyers had to hastily alter the charge to that of contravening section 48 of the Traditional Leaders Act by hindering a traditional leader from carrying out his duties.

The matter was postponed to February 16 next year with Mudzengi’s lawyers expected to serve Chigegwe’s (lawyers) with a new charge.

Mutandwa granted Chigegwe free bail until the case is heard next year.

Flossie Chigudu prosecuted.