FORMER Ntabazinduna chief Nhlanhayamangwe Ndiweni has accused the Local Government ministry of attempting to sell some properties in Umguza that belong to the community.

Some properties under the Umguza Rural District Council (RDC) have allegedly been put up for sell by tender by the ministry,

Ndiweni said the Ntabazinduna community was disturbed by the developments.

“The people and the community of Ntabazinduna built and own all the properties and assets that to date Umguza RDC has been managing,” Ndiweni said in a statement.

“The assets include all beerhalls in Ntabazinduna such as Mathilika beerhall and Macatshelena beerhall, bottle stores, grinding mill, council hall and schools."

“What Umguza RDC is attempting to do is to completely strip “naked” the people of Ntabazinduna. To the effect that as a people and community they and their parents did or achieved absolutely nothing at all in their lives, this point of view we strongly reject.”

Ndiweni said Umguza RDC has failed to produce any evidence that could prove that they owned the assets, property or they built these assets.

“The only things they can produce are suppositions, third party evidence, innuendoes, conjecture that these properties are theirs. All of which a competent court would reject and throw out with costs placed upon Umguza RDC," Ndiweni said.

"Umguza RDC’s actions are considered illegal, null and void even though they actually owned the assets because there has been no comprehensive thorough consultation regarding this matter.

“There has been no genuine consultation on this matter, firstly with the traditional leaders of Ntabazinduna and the village heads and lastly with the whole population of Ntabazinduna community."

Umguza District development co-ordinator, Tapiwa Zivovoyi who chairs Umguza development programmes under Local Government ministry, refused to comment when contacted.

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