A TEENAGE girl (17) from Makokoba high-density suburb in Bulawayo has disappeared amid fears that she could have been kidnapped.

The girl’s guardian (name withheld) spoke to Southern Eye saying that the family was still in shock.

“We last saw her on November 17 in the morning, when she left to go and sell eggs in town. She usually comes back at around 5pm. We got worried at around 8pm, went to police at Rose Camp but were referred to Bulawayo Central Police. The police said we should come back after 24 hours,” the guardian said.

The guardian said the missing girl then contacted them in the morning asking for help.

“She called and said she was being chased by people and was in a bush. I asked her to look for people, while we met her halfway but she said her phone was about to go off. After about 30 minutes with no update, we called back and were answered by her friend, which was surprising.

“The friend said the call was diverted to her number but I am not convinced because my niece’s line is active on WhatsApp and the profile pictures keep changing, posting her friend’s photos. Maybe they know something and they are afraid to tell us. I updated the police about it,” the guardian added.

A relative said on the morning of her disappearance, the girl had received a suspicious message on her phone.

Bulawayo acting Police spokesperson Assistant Inspector Nomalanga Msebele confirmed the matter.