THE Zimbabwe Diamond and Allied Mineral Workers Union (ZDAMWU) has written to Duration Gold Vumbachikwe Mine demanding answers over the non-payment of salaries at the Gwanda mine.

Police recently arrested over 100 people, including wives of the mine workers after they protested at the company demanding outstanding salaries for their husbands.

In a letter dated November 21 addressed to mine manager None Kananji, ZDAMWU secretary-general Justice Chinhema expressed concern over labour rights violations at the mine.

"Please note our professional interests. For the record, we have been trying to engage your management on issues affecting workers, particularly the non-payment of salaries and the continued late payment of the same without success. Our official correspondence has been ignored," Chinhema said.

"As we write to you, it is sad to note that operations at your mine have been suspended and nothing has been paid to the workers. We are also aware of the illegal job action that happened at your mine because of the non-payment of wages where property of the mine was heavily damaged."

The letter was copied to the Registrar of Labour — Harare, national employment council, Mines minister Winston Chitando, Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare minister, Paul Mavima and Duration Gold Mine.

“However, it should be clear that workers are employed to work and after working they expect to get paid their salaries in order to bring food to their families, pay school fees, medical bills for them and extended families, buy clothes and enjoy the life of someone employed,” Chinhema said.

"We are totally surprised and disappointed by your organisation which we regard as one of the biggest employers and economic enablers in this country, that it can subject its workers to the worst conditions like non-payment of wages when production is happening."

Chinhema said the economic situation prevailing in the country required that salaries and wages be paid promptly.

Mine management is yet to respond to the letter while efforts to get a comment from Kananji were fruitless yesterday.