THE headmistress of Rugare Primary School in Harare was yesterday arraigned before the courts on allegations of stealing timber and asbestos sheets from the school.

Calister Tarisai Matsitsiro (58) was remanded in custody.

It is the State's case that on August 19, Matsitsiro went to a grade 7 class and ordered students to load 22x3,6 metres of asbestos sheets, and five six-metre- long pine timber into the school bus.

During loading, deputy headmaster Themba Mangwiro demanded to know where the asbestos and timber was being taken to. He was told it was being taken to the headmistress’ house in Rugare where she is constructing a fowl run.

It was later established that the timber and asbestos were taken without the approval of the school development association.

A police report was made, leading to the arrest of the accused person.