BY TREVOR MUTSVAIRO THE trial date for journalist Hopewell Chin’ono, who is facing charges of inciting public violence, has been set for October 21.

This was after Chin’ono’s lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa opposed further postponement of the matter saying the State was failing to provide a trial date, and infringing on his rights.

Prosecutor Lancelot Mutsokoti said trial had been delayed due to lack of a prosecutor to handle the matter.

Because of the lack of progress in the matter, Chin’ono sought removal from remand.

Meanwhile, in an unrelated matter, a 44-year-old nurse employed at Cimas Medical Aid Society yesterday appeared before Harare magistrate Yeukai Dzuda facing fraud charges.

Farai Chimhaka was remanded out of custody on $10 000 bail.

It is alleged that she fraudulently issued a positive COVID-19 test to Nyasha Sydney Richards. The form was taken from Cimas Medical Aid Society clinic along Chinhoyi Street, Harare.

The accused sent Memory Chimbetu to hand over the form to Richards, who then presented it to his superiors at AFC Bank misrepresenting that he had tested positive for COVID-19.

Investigations by Cimas, however, revealed that the results were fake, resulting in the arrest of the nurse.

Zebediah Bofu prosecuted.

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