IN celebration of 30 years of bilateral relations between Korea and Zimbabwe, the embassy of Korea will hold a week-long exhibition titled Weave Fortune as part of that country’s commemorations at the National Gallery of Zimbabwe (NGZ) in Harare from tomorrow to next Tuesday.

In a statement NGZ spokesperson Zvikomborero Mandangu said the exhibition was organised by Just Project, a waste management programme that creates design products as a result of upcycling, reuse and recycling through collaborative efforts with designers across the world.

“The exhibition zooms in on creative practices which are environmentally conscious as there is a need to fully utilise non-biodegradable manufactured material for aesthetic and usable means,” Mandangu said.

“Aside from Just Project, seven other art and design collectives from small to medium enterprises are to show in the exhibition. Just Project, Cueclyp, Gongyega, Unrollsurface will represent South Korean practitioners, while Patch Zimbabwe, Paper Pieces, Vanhu Vamwe and Krafted Ink will represent Zimbabwean designers,” he said.

Mandangu said special focus by the organisers will be put on female creatives, who form the backbone of informal industry through sustainable practices that are highly inspired by indigenous knowledge systems; chief among those, weaving.

“The exhibition will be open to the public and everyone is welcome.”