FILMMAKER Panashe Lisa Makurumure recently premiered her latest film Distant: A Socially Perfect Couple, a collaboration with award-winning Hollywood filmmaker Jonathan Samukange.
The movie’s synopsis follows a story of a young married couple Prince Albert Chigiya and Panashe Lisa Makurumure living a socially perfect life; and contrastively their home possesses an annoying hidden reality.
It portrays a unique and thought-provoking phenomenon in which the social media fanatical couple uses its real names in the movie.
In its mischief, the couple was using an application called Anonymous unknowingly talking to each other.
On social media, the couple would share personal experiences pretending all was faultless, yet there was something going on behind the scenes.
“The movie’s tagline is that we have a socially perfect couple which uses social media and has a huge following which demands regular updates. They begin searching for attention and love outside their home due to mistrust issues using modern technology,” Makurumure told NewsDay Life & Style.
“The story speaks to youths about the tragedy of living a double standard life of trying to appease the masses. I believe living an honest life is better than creating a façade.”
Makurumure said social media enabled high-end networking.
“Social ties such as marriage are easily affected by the public's comments and their esteemed right to like or dislike any social media posts.
“When couples break up, there is a time and level when people will demand that they are owed truthful information. This resultantly will add more bitterness and consequently would result in irreconcilable differences,” she said.
The movie features music from Delroy Shewe and Bryan K alongside Makurumure, a holder of an honours degree in film and theatre arts from the Midlands State University.
“My passion has always been in music and storytelling. My journey in university opened me up to the creative arts of acting and production which has led to my first production About Us available on my YouTube page,” she said.
“After school I had the chance to work with different media platforms that gave me the opportunity to launch and debut my work. My collaboration with NashTV is so far my biggest one and this movie is both our first in-house production.”
Makurumure said Nash Paints executive chairperson Tinashe Mutarisi was a huge inspiration as he believed in her dream. She also saluted her family for being the female film producer she has become.
Samukange, who operates Apex Dream House Media, said he was impressed by the level of creativity in the movie, while noting that it boosted his confidence as a mentor to both aspiring and established filmmakers.
The movie cast includes Chigiya, Makurumure, Reign Bima, Leslie Masuku, Thandeka Nyathi and Tommy Ranjisi.