The Senegalese government has signed a peace deal with rebels from the country’s southern province of Casamance – which could bring about an end to a decades-long conflict.

The Movement of Democratic Forces of Casamance (MFDC) has pledged to lay down its arms and work towards a permanent solution.

The Senegalese President, Macky Sall, welcomed the agreement and thanked the President of Guinea-Bissau, Umaro Sissoco Embalo, for mediating.

He shared pictures of the signing event on Twitter:

Je salue l’Accord de paix et de dépôt des armes signé ce 4 août à Bissau entre le Sénégal et le Comité Provisoire des Ailes politiques et combattantes du MFDC. Je reste engagé pour la consolidation de la paix durable en Casamance. Je remercie le Prsdt @USEmbalo pour sa médiation.

— Macky Sall (@Macky_Sall) August 4, 2022


A separatist insurgency by the MFDC has resulted in several thousand deaths since 1982, although the conflict was mostly dormant until Senegal launched a major offensive last year to drive out the rebels. -BBC