The bigger problem is that Zimbabwe has no national sovereignty economic policy that guides all economic activity.
But I wish to take Ali Mazrui’s perspective. The late great Kenyan political scientist was my external examiner and mentor in my second life.
Their worst nightmare was that Donald Trump would run again for the presidency in 2024.
This is of great interest to Zimbabweans as they face a similar situation.
The decline of India’s Congress Party seems to follow that of South Africa’s Congress as well as that of Zanu PF in our own country.
Congress does not have a majority in any of the 28 state assemblies
African leaders will have no problem in understanding this resentment.
The issue here is that these globalists have no loyalty to any one country
Conservatives find it frightening that government should advocate for psychological or medical treatment to pre-teenagers called gender affirmation.
In this mid-term election, Americans are claiming victories for going where no man dared to go before.
Men of Harare and Masvingo, you are missing the big picture in the events unfolding in the US
Whether we like it or not, we are in a state of war. The cultural wars witnessed between the Republican party and the Democrats have spilled into the church.
Mbeki in the April 1993 speech asked the question. Who are we? Nobody made any effort to assist Yolanda.