The story of Triangle Limited and Hippo Valley Estates Limited (The Company) is as old as the recorded history of the Lowveld. The story has moved in step and with the same heartbeat as the story of Zimbabwe’s Lowveld. Through multiple generations, Triangle Limited and Hippo Valley Estates Limited have impacted not only the Triangle, Chiredzi and surrounding communities, but have also impacted organisations and lives across the entire spectrum of Zimbabwe’s economy.

The Company is the largest sugar producer in the country and is also the largest private sector employer in the country. When you include the public service sector, The Company is the second largest employer in the country (after government) with over 16,000 people directly employed by the two organisations. It is important to note that for every one of the 16,000 jobs created directly, 6 more jobs are supported in the economy, ensuring that almost a hundred thousand people are employed.

The Company has annual production of half a billion US dollars, contributed directly into the economy and for every million produced directly in output another 3 million is created elsewhere in the economy.

The social impact goes beyond just numbers but translates into tangible life changing everyday infrastructure. Schools, hospitals, and roads have been constructed and or are maintained by Triangle Limited and Hippo Valley Estates Limited substantially benefitting communities in the Lowveld. Over 400 medical health staff are directly employed at The Company’s medical facilities. Further, the companies own and operate 3 private schools and support 20 other government schools.

The Company generates electricity which is then fed into the national grid and allows the whole Lowveld community to benefit and removes some pressure from the national grid. Additionally water for irrigation purposes and human consumption is availed through The Company’s conveyance systems.

Particular attention is given to ensuring that vulnerable groups such as women, children, people living with disabilities, disadvantaged youths and many others are protected and their welfare looked after through community skills development programmes as well as the promotion of arts and culture.

The assistance to the communities is not only in the form of donations but measures are also taken to empower communities. One such initiative is Project Kilimanjaro - which when completed will see over 4000 ha of virgin land converted into productive sugarcane plantations. This empowerment project will certainly contribute to wealth creation for the beneficiaries.

With these initiatives and contributions to economic output, it is no wonder that the output from Hippo Valley Estates Limited and Triangle Limited often equals 3% of Zimbabwe’s GDP.