An umbrella body of human rights’ activists says Zimbabweans deserve a fresh election after dismissing the Wednesday poll as a circus.

Zimbabweans went to the polls that were dogged by countless irregularities and complaints against the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec) over the way it conducted the election.

A number of voters failed to find their names on the voters roll, voting started late in some polling stations while intimidation and other electoral malpractices were recorded by obsevers.

In an extensive report on the elections, the True Patriots said Zimbabwe needed to divorce with the pariah State tag by holding credible elections.

“It is against this background that the True Patriots of Zimbabwe, in the collective spirit of #PeoplePower calls for a fresh election, an election free of the irregularities experienced on and before August 23, 2023 and an election whose outcome reflects the will of the people,” the statement read.

“This decision is motivated by the desire to end the long history of disputed elections in Zimbabwe and lead to the ushering in of a legitimate government.”

Zimbabwe has a history of disputed elections dating back to the independence era in 1980.

“The 23rd sham should never be referred to as an election but a circus and a waste of resources,” it said.

 “We call upon all concerned and interested stakeholders, individuals and parties who are genuine about witnessing the conduct of free, fair and credible elections which will usher Zimbabwe into a socially, economically and politically inclusive and stable country to call for and demand the emergent and urgent need for fresh polls as a way to redress the constitutional violations which disenfranchised the voters.”

Voting was extended late into yesterday in some polling stations owing to disruptions on Wednesday caused by lack of voting materials.