ZANU PF spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa has said the ruling party does not force people to board buses to its campaign rallies.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s party has been celebrating the “huge” numbers of people attending the party’s rallies saying that it is ample evidence of its popularity and ability to mobilise support for the polls.

Reports, however, indicate that the party is bussing people, and in some instances, using coercion and intimidation, particularly in rural areas.

Addressing a Press conference in Harare yesterday, Mutsvangwa said: “Yes, we do provide transport, but we don’t force people onto the buses.

“Have you ever heard a police report of Zanu PF forcing someone onto a bus?

“We provide transport because some walk long distances.

“We have members who provide their own transport, lorries and so forth.

“That’s the enthusiasm of our members.”

Mutsvangwa also said police were well-resourced to ensure peace prevails ahead and after the polls.

At the rallies, the party supporters are always treated to freebies such as T-shirts, fizzy drinks and fried chicken and chips for the lucky ones.

Mutsvangwa also said police were well-resourced to ensure peace prevails ahead and after the polls.

“This time, the police are well prepared and resourced to deal with law and order issues,” he said.

“I appeal sincerely to the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) and advise in all earnest that if they have issues to do with law and order, they should go to police and lodge complaints.”

The main opposition CCC accuses police of being partisan and banning its rallies.